Valheim Rules
​➣ NO trolling, grieving, spamming, toxicity, or advertising allowed!
➣ This is not your Single Player world, Please be respectful of other players and their stuff.
➣ Avoid going afk for long period as active player count is limited.
➣ Build with purpose and not spam buildings everywhere around the world, as it will cause more lag.
➣ Bridges over deep water must be high enough to let boats pass.
➣ If you are caught stealing from another's players base, glitching or duping of items you will be banned.
➣ Remove your tree stumps, it will help minimize server lag in the long run.
➣ Avoid bringing items, resources and developed characters from different worlds/saves. Let's make this a standalone adventure!
☆ Rules are subject to change, it's Your responsibility to familiarise yourself with them.