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In an effort to keep it a fun and equal experience for all, these are our Ark Server RULES:



Base size rule:

    ➣ Max one main base per map, per tribe max 50x50 foundations.

    ➣ Max one water base per map, per tribe max 25x25 foundations.

    ➣ Max 2 outposts per map at the size of 3x3 foundations.

➣ We encourage players, out of common courtesy, to construct their bases at a medium render distance from others. Building too close can limit expansion within the 50x50 limit, unless both parties mutually agree to be in close proximity. The different maps offers more then enough space to accommodate this respectful consideration for fellow players.

➣ Each tribe is responsible for their build and admins can and will make you reduce your builds if over the set limit. If a warning is given but base has not been reduced, an admin will have the right to pick up your base and put it in storage for you to rebuild within the limitations of the rules. â€‹



    ➣ Do not spam the global chat, use the appropriate chats when necessary.

    ➣ Do not lure dinos to other players' bases, tamed dinos or other players.

    ➣ Do not steal or take/use items without other players/tribe members permission.

    ➣ Glitching/Hacking your way into areas or to get into bases is not permitted under any circumstance. If it's an accident, contact an admin.

    ➣ Do not harass other players. Do not drown or drag another player to death.

    ➣ Trading is done at the players own risk.

➣ Fair gifting - please do not gift to players much below the item/dino requirements. It can ruin the experience of new players and make the game smaller. For example do not give players wyverns if they're not capable of getting one themselves, instead help them get a wyvern and travel to the location with them. Make it a pve adventure! Same goes with items, especially furnaces/smelters/cooking furnaces etc.



    ➣ All limited resource structures must be left unlocked by all (like oil pumps, sap taps, gas pumps).

    ➣ When building traps out in the wild, please demolish it when you are done with it. If you plan to reuse it, make sure to leave it unlocked.

    ➣ Bedspawns: Use bedrolls if you need a bedspawn outside a cave or point of interest, as foundations and beds prevent other players from making spawn points as well.

    ➣ Do not spam build foundations to stop others from building.

    ➣ Do not block caves/parts of the map that need to be accessible.

➣ Community buildings are not to be built around, as to not block the intended use for each building. For example, the arena on Herbivore Island, building is prohibited on the entirety of Herbivore Island, to let everyone be able to place sleeping bags during events and such.

➣ Ensure that your builds are not blocking major resources, artifacts, loot crates/drops, or explorer notes. If an area has more than 2 rich, or 5 normal metal nodes, or 6 of obsidian or crystal, do not build there. This is to protect fair access to resources. The same goes for beaver spawns and such. If you are unsure of an area, feel free to open a ticket and we can help evaluate the area.​



    ➣ Keep Stryders soulballed when NOT in use.

➣ Do not leave tames out in the wild. Use a leash if you have to. Random tames can and will be removed when found out in the wild.


Do not become the reason for new rules!



➣ Logging out. Remember to log out while laying on a bed and preferably have an empty inventory as to avoid mesh deaths upon logging in next time you play. If you don't do as stated above we will not spend time trying to recover your items and things because you were careless last time you logged off.

➣ Server transfer: If you don't want to risk losing your items during transfer, type /upload in the chatbox (it will upload your entire inventory). Then transfer to your desired map and type /download once you've loaded in on the desired map. Not all items can be transferred between maps, like element and tributes/trophies, etc.. Items lost during transfer will not be replaced if not uploaded correctly!


©2024 by Mature Gaming.

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